While staying in NY during the week of my show, one of our stops was the Society of Illustrators building.
There's me! (and Dave in the reflection)
First floor...
...and up the winding staircase...
..meanwhile Groucho looks like he's peeking over his shoulder...
...and Dave + Disney = gorillasdontblog.blogspot.com...
...some nice bones...
...more nice bones...This one is entitled "The Stupid Club". Ha...
...upstairs in the bar and lounge, in front of Rockwell.
Yay, I found your blog (thanks to your comment on my blog)!
Now I'm world famous and shall speak with an unidentifiable but vaguely European accent. And carry a walking stick capped with the head of a chupacabra rendered in fine silver.
Who did that Groucho Marx painting?
I love that Daisy Duck painting.
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